Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Landscaping Around Your Pool

Pool landscaping can update your backyard instantly! When thinking of changes or new ideas, consider the following tips:

- River rock/decorative stone makes a great alternative to mulch - on windy days, there is no worry of mulch or dirt blowing into your pool.

- While designing your pool and deck layout, allow enough space on every side of pool for someone to walk comfortably or space for cleaning.

- Overhanging trees can be a pools worst nightmare. Always try to keep your trees trimmed back away from pool. Throughout the season, leaves will fall into your water causing additional cleanings.

- Fertilizers alter pool chemicals and can permanently stain your surface. These fertilizers add phosphates to your pool water which feed algae.

- If you plan on adding large planters, make sure to keep them a good distance from the pool. If you insist on keeping them close to the pool perimeter, make sure to leave enough deck space for someone to work and walk around. Also be cautious about which plants you choose.

- Avoid planting on top of your pool equipment, maintain easy access for yearly maintenance.